
日期:2016-10-12 21:03


2016年10月11日 --来自诺丁汉大学的研究人员近日通过研究发现,细胞线粒体中的一种特殊蛋白或许是阻碍时间推移的关键,相关研究刊登于国际杂志Aging上,该研究或为研究者提供新型靶点来开发新药,从而帮助减缓机体的衰老效应。

研究者指出,这项研究对于抵御年龄相关的机体衰老,以及抑制诸如阿尔兹海默氏症和帕金森疾病等神经变性疾病的进展提供了很大帮助。Lisa Chakrabarti博士说道,我们在线粒体中发现了名为碳酸酐酶(Carbonic anhydrase)的家族蛋白,然而让我们非常激动的是,我们推测这种蛋白或许自细胞衰老过程中扮演着重要角色。





Cell protein offers new hope in fighting the effects of aging

A protein found within the powerhouse of a cell could be the key to holding back the march of time, research by scientists at The University of Nottingham has shown.

The discovery could offer a new target for drugs that may help to slow the debilitating effects of aging on our bodies.

And their research, published in the academic journal Aging, could have special significance for combatting age-related decline and halting the progression of neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease.

The work, led by Dr Lisa Chakrabarti and PhD student Amelia Pollard in the University's School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, has centred on a family of proteins called carbonic anhydrase found within mitochondria—the cells' 'batteries' which convert the oxygen we breathe into the energy (ATP) needed to power our body.

Dr Chakrabarti said: "What's really exciting about this development is that we have been able to surmise that the function of this protein is playing a role in the aging process within the cell.